How to reach Mađerkin Breg Lookout?
For your simple arrival to Mađerkin Breg Lookout, take note of our brief guidelines.
Remember to follow the brown road signs as well.
You can reach Mađerkin Breg Lookout by car from two directions:
1. Arrival from Varaždin via Sv. Urban. Having passed the water tower in Sv. Urban, continue along the main road. After going downhill, you reach a wide bend where you have to turn left onto the side road towards Robadje. After that, follow the brown signs towards the lookout. You can leave the car at the foot of Mađerkin Breg.
2. Arrival from Čakovec via Železna Gora. Head towards Banfi through the center of Štrigova (towards the Banfi border crossing). When you reach the crossroads at the very "top" of Banfi, turn left towards the Banfi Castle, which you can see on your left. Then, just stick to the left turns all the way to Mađerkin Breg.
Arriving by bus, it is advisable to take the Sv. Urban route in order to get to the foot of Mađerkin Breg. The parking area for buses is located there. It is not possible to reach the destination by bus along the other route due to narrow roads. It then takes a 700-m hike along the gravel road to reach Mađerkin Breg Lookout.

Reaching Mađerkin Breg Lookout by car through Štrigova
We wish a safe and pleasant stay to all visitors to the cycling information center and the lookout!
Municipality of Štrigova, Štrikom d.o.o.